At Hen Up ® we believe chickens are the most beautiful, weird, wonderful, and wildly entertaining creatures you’ll ever meet – to say nothing of talented and productive.

Your chicken adventure might start out as the shortest path to the yard-to-table goodness of fresh eggs, but once you get to know your girls, you’ll love them like family. And not just because they’re the ones giving you breakfast. We’re a friendly little brand that’s proud to be part of Land O’Lakes, Inc., a farmer-owned cooperative. We offer nourishing, organic, non-GMO chicken food made with good stuff from the farm like ancient grains, superfoods and other ingredients that read like a grocery list. From freshly hatched chicks to egg-layin’ ladies, our products provide balanced nutrition and all the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids chickens need. Everything your funny feathered friends love and need to bring an abundance of joy and eggs to you and your family every day.